Capital Hallway, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
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To proclaim Christ in the culture, we must know Christ; and to know Christ, we must know Scripture. As St. Jerome observed, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.”
But in order to uncover the spiritual and theological meaning of the Bible, we need to take a genuinely Catholic approach: reading it within the context of the great and beautiful chorus of voices from across the centuries of the Church’s tradition.
Join us in London this February for our first-ever conference on the Bible.
To proclaim Christ in the culture, we must know Christ; and to know Christ, we must know Scripture. As St. Jerome observed, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.”
But in order to uncover the spiritual and theological meaning of the Bible, we need to take a genuinely Catholic approach: reading it within the context of the great and beautiful chorus of voices from across the centuries of the Church’s tradition.
Join us in London this February for our first-ever conference on the Bible.
Who is this for?
This conference is for you if you are seeking to gain a deeper appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures and the beauty of the Catholic faith while growing in your evangelisation efforts.
Who is this for?
This conference is for you if you are seeking to gain a deeper appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures and the beauty of the Catholic faith while growing in your evangelisation efforts.
When is it?
Where is it?
This conference is in London, England. It will be at Excel London, right in the heart of London’s historic Royal Docks, just 10 minutes from Canary Wharf and 12 minutes from the City.
How do I attend?
Click the button below to get your tickets.
Click the button below to get your tickets.
When is it?
Where is it?
This conference is in London, England. It will be at Excel London, right in the heart of London’s historic Royal Docks, just 10 minutes from Canary Wharf and 12 minutes from the City.
How do I attend?
Click the button below to get your tickets.
Click the button below to get your tickets.
Capital Hallway, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
Capital Hallway, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
Speaker: Professor Tracey Rowland
An authentic reading of the Bible happens with faith and within the life of the Church. Drawing from her extensive theological work, Professor Tracey Rowland will show that the historical-critical method of reading the Bible, though useful, falls short when it is not integrated with the theological and spiritual dimensions of the faith. Scripture is not only an ancient text to be studied but a living text that speaks directly to the Church and the faithful today.
Auditorium, Excel Center
Panelists: Angel Anyamele, Greg Finn, Martin Kochanski, Haley Stewart
Moderated By: Fr Paschal Uche
How is the rich biblical tradition of the Church being brought to life within the Church today? Through their work in publishing and digital outreach, our panellists witness to the truth that the Word of God should not remain a static text but become a dynamic and living force in the hearts of the faithful.
Auditorium, Excel Center
Visit the Jubilee Expo Hall.
Capital Hallway, Excel Center
Panelists: Professor N.T. Wright, Bishop Robert Barron
Moderated By: Justin Brierley
Vatican II called for the renewed study of the Scriptures, to awaken the biblical consciousness in the people of God. This vision has been largely unrealised and has taken on an increasing urgency in the twenty-first century. Justin Brierley, co-host of the Re-Enchanting podcast for Seen & Unseen, will facilitate a conversation between Bishop Robert Barron and Professor N.T. Wright as they explore how the Bible serves as a living Word that can engage, challenge, and inspire contemporary culture.
Auditorium, Excel Center
Visit the Jubilee Expo Hall.
Capital Hallway, Excel Center
Panelists: Professor Francis Davis, Jenny Sinclair
Moderated By: Dr Matthew Petrusek
Both the Bible and the Catholic social teaching tradition call us to read the ‘signs of the times’ in order to understand and respond to the pressing social and economic challenges we face. Scripture is meant to shape our participation in public life, and there is an urgent need for Christians to live out a truly biblical vision, which prioritises care for the weakest members of society through a renewed commitment to the common good in an ever-changing world.
Auditorium, Excel Center
Panelist: Jo Boyce, Fr Patrick van der Vorst, Sally Read
Moderated By: Fr Marcus Holden
Drawing on the Catholic tradition’s rich understanding of the via pulchritudinis—the way of beauty—this conversation will highlight how beauty can serve, as Bishop Barron has said, as the “arrowhead of evangelisation”. Our panellists will reflect not only on how their own creative work has been shaped by the Bible’s narratives and imagery but also offer insights into how art, literature, and music can be vehicles of spiritual insight, even for those who may never pick up the Bible themselves.
Auditorium, Excel Center
Visit the Jubilee Expo Hall.
Capital Hallway, Excel Center
Auditorium, Excel Center
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in vestibulum purus, a suscipit tortor. Nam eu convallis orci, quis molestie ante. Donec luctus volutpat eros, sed ullamcorper orci sodales ut. Ut pretium turpis a est volutpat laoreet. Pellentesque nec congue eros, sed tristique orci. Cras in sapien tincidunt, pellentesque massa interdum, imperdiet sapien. Aliquam ut fringilla odio, dictum vulputate est. Maecenas sit amet imperdiet turpis. Pellentesque euismod non sapien vel convallis. Mauris blandit massa eget velit dapibus, ut interdum magna facilisis. Sed imperdiet feugiat maximus. Suspendisse non libero non orci condimentum commodo.
Etiam ac metus semper, interdum erat commodo, pretium libero. Sed sagittis aliquam ligula, eu porttitor arcu tempor vitae. Quisque non malesuada ante, sit amet faucibus libero. Morbi sed nibh tristique, lobortis odio eget, fringilla ipsum. Donec mattis vel justo a feugiat. Quisque sodales lacus suscipit auctor luctus. Mauris id bibendum turpis. In convallis cursus urna, eu imperdiet ex pretium sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed vel pulvinar magna, sit amet eleifend arcu. Praesent porttitor finibus faucibus. Curabitur eget porttitor odio, eu mollis ligula. Nam volutpat commodo ornare. Nunc nisi lorem, suscipit non turpis sed, commodo suscipit nisi. Suspendisse quis scelerisque massa.
Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Robert Barron is Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester (Minnesota) and the Founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. He served as the Rector/President of Mundelein Seminary / University of St. Mary of the Lake from 2012 until 2015. On July 21, 2015, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Barron to be Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He was ordained bishop on September 8, 2015. On Thursday, June 2, 2022, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Barron the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.
Bishop Robert Barron is Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester (Minnesota) and the Founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. He served as the Rector/President of Mundelein Seminary / University of St. Mary of the Lake from 2012 until 2015. On July 21, 2015, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Barron to be Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He was ordained bishop on September 8, 2015. On Thursday, June 2, 2022, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Barron the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.
Professor Tracey Rowland
Professor Tracey Rowland holds the St. John Paul II Chair of Theology at the University of Notre Dame (Australia) and was a member of the ninth International Theological Commission. She is the English sub-editor of a forthcoming Ratzinger Lexicon. Her academic work bridges the gap between rigorous theological analysis and the spiritual and pastoral needs of the Church. Professor Rowland has the ability to communicate complex theological ideas in a way that is both accessible and deeply rooted in the Catholic tradition.
Professor N.T. Wright
Professor N.T. Wright was Bishop of Durham (Church of England) 2003–2010, and is Research Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews and the Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He is the author of over eighty books and hundreds of articles.
Justin Brierley
Justin Brierley is the former host of the Unbelievable? podcast and the co-host of the Re-Enchanting podcast from Seen & Unseen. He is the author of The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God and the host of a podcast documentary series of the same name, documenting the renewed interest in the question of God among secular thinkers.
Dr. Matthew Petrusek
Matthew R. Petrusek, PhD is the Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute and its Professor of Catholic Ethics. He has authored/edited several books, including Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond to the Political Culture; Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity: The Search for a Meaningful Life; Ethics and Advocacy: Bridges and Boundaries; and Value and Vulnerability: An Interfaith Dialogue on Human Dignity. Petrusek lectures broadly in both English and Spanish on moral philosophy/theology, politics, social issues, and the Catholic intellectual tradition.
Brenden Thompson
Brenden Thompson is the U.K. Programme Director for Word on Fire, Lead Coordinator of Catholic Voices, and a Trustee of the Bible Society. Brenden studied theology and religious studies at St Mary’s, Twickenham, before going on to do a master’s degree in applied theology at Oxford University and is a Teaching Fellow of the Word on Fire Institute. Having made multiple appearances on television and radio, including on the BBC, Sky News, and Al Jazeera, Brenden also speaks to thousands of people every year about the Gospel with joy and enthusiasm and trains others in how to share the Christian faith with charity and clarity.
Haley Stewart
Haley Stewart is the Editor of Word on Fire Votive. She hosts the Votive Podcast from Word on Fire and is the author of The Grace of Enough, Jane Austen’s Genius Guide to Life, and a series for young readers titled The Sister Seraphina Mysteries.
Abbot Robert Igo OSB
Abbot Robert Igo, OSB, is Abbot of Ampleforth Abbey, the largest Benedictine community in the UK. He was received into the Catholic Church in 1987 and joined the monastic community at Ampleforth in August 1988. He was ordained a Catholic priest on 27 June 1993. Three years later, he was sent to the new Monastery of Christ the Word in Macheke, Zimbabwe. On 5 January 2021, he was elected Abbot of Ampleforth. Over the years he has also worked in Systemic and Clinical Therapy.
Archbishop John Wilson
Archbishop John Wilson is head of the Archdiocese of Southwark. He was born in Sheffield and studied at the University of Leeds before starting his formation for the priesthood in 1989 at the Venerable English College in Rome. He was ordained Auxiliary Bishop for the Diocese of Westminster on 25 January 2016. On 10 June 2019, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Wilson the eleventh archbishop of Southwark.
Greg Finn
Greg Finn is the founder of The Mark 10 Mission, which helps school children pray and encounter God in their classrooms each day. Its inspiration is Mark 10:14: ‘Let the little children come to me’. Greg was a Catholic primary school teacher for eight years and now leads the mission full time.
Angel Anyamele
Angel Anyamele is a Catholic worship leader from London. She sings many of the hymns for The Mark 10 Mission, is part of One Hope Project, and has led worship at events across the UK. In addition to music, Angel offers Gospel reflections for The Mark 10 Mission. Angel works as a Junior Doctor.
Martin Kochanski
Martin Kochanski is the founder of Universalis, an online resource featuring the prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours, which has made the Scriptures in the form of the Divine Office accessible to tens of thousands around the world. Martin is a computer software publisher and writer.
Jenny Sinclair
Jenny Sinclair is the founder and director of Together for the Common Good, a UK-based charity that helps churches and other civic organisations to play their part in strengthening the bonds of social trust. They seek to reimagine a culture that puts people, communities, and relationships first, by putting Common Good principles into practice and by working with others of different opinions and backgrounds.
Fr. Patrick van der Vorst
Fr Patrick van der Vorst is a former art dealer turned Catholic priest who founded Christian Art, an apostolate dedicated to using the beauty of sacred art to reflect on the Gospel. Through his work, Fr Patrick provides daily reflections that pair the Gospel readings with a corresponding piece of sacred art, offering a unique way for the faithful to engage with Scripture through visual beauty. His mission is to help people discover how art can deepen their understanding of the Bible and bring them closer to God. Before entering the priesthood, Fr Patrick had a successful career in the art world, including working for Sotheby’s in London.
Jo Boyce
Jo Boyce is a Catholic musician and songwriter. She is the director and co-founder of CJM MUSIC, based in the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Over the years, Jo has been a regular face on BBC Songs of Praise and a familiar voice on many Sunday Radio programmes which play the music of Boyce & Stanley.
Sally Read
Sally Read is an award-winning poet whose first collection since her conversion from atheism to Catholicism, Dawn of this Hunger, was the fruit of her ten-year tenure as poet in residence at the Hermitage of the Three Holy Hierarchs. Sally’s poetry has been recorded for the UK’s Poetry Archive, and her writing, in both poetry and prose, has appeared in numerous publications and anthologies, including The Times Literary Supplement, The Picador Book of Love Poems, and Forward’s Poems of the Decade. Her poetry has also been featured on BBC Radio, and episodes of her Radio Maria England show, ‘Poetry for the Season’, are available on Spotify.
Professor Francis Davis
Professor Francis Davis is Executive Chair of the Wessex Foundation, Professor of Public Policy and Communities at Birmingham University, an award-winning community activist, and a trustee of the Bible Society. He has served as a UK ministerial advisor in three governments, including at cabinet level.
One of the top reasons people leave the Church is the false notion that faith and science are at odds. It’s time to put that myth to rest once and for all. Learn how faith and science not only do not conflict with each other but, in fact, are mutually complementary and illuminating.
What does it mean to be a good person and to treat others justly? Secular culture fails to provide an adequate answer to these questions–with disastrous consequences for social stability and individual happiness. Learn how the Church not only cares about justice, including social justice, and good character, but also provides a better moral and political alternative to the reigning ideologies of our day.
Popular culture is important to the Church precisely because it’s where the people are, especially the young. Learn how to identify and make good use of the “seeds of the Word” in entertainment, politics, and even stand-up comedy to evangelize the culture.
There is no greater evangelical power in the world than the saints, those who embody the Good News in their very lives–and all of us are called to become saints. Learn how to deepen your prayer life and conform yourself, by the grace of God, ever more perfectly to Christ's will.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, please contact
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in vestibulum purus, a suscipit tortor. Nam eu convallis orci, quis molestie ante. Donec luctus volutpat eros, sed ullamcorper orci sodales ut. Ut pretium turpis a est volutpat laoreet. Pellentesque nec congue eros, sed tristique orci. Cras in sapien tincidunt, pellentesque massa interdum, imperdiet sapien. Aliquam ut fringilla odio, dictum vulputate est. Maecenas sit amet imperdiet turpis. Pellentesque euismod non sapien vel convallis. Mauris blandit massa eget velit dapibus, ut interdum magna facilisis. Sed imperdiet feugiat maximus. Suspendisse non libero non orci condimentum commodo.
Etiam ac metus semper, interdum erat commodo, pretium libero. Sed sagittis aliquam ligula, eu porttitor arcu tempor vitae. Quisque non malesuada ante, sit amet faucibus libero. Morbi sed nibh tristique, lobortis odio eget, fringilla ipsum. Donec mattis vel justo a feugiat. Quisque sodales lacus suscipit auctor luctus. Mauris id bibendum turpis. In convallis cursus urna, eu imperdiet ex pretium sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed vel pulvinar magna, sit amet eleifend arcu. Praesent porttitor finibus faucibus. Curabitur eget porttitor odio, eu mollis ligula. Nam volutpat commodo ornare. Nunc nisi lorem, suscipit non turpis sed, commodo suscipit nisi. Suspendisse quis scelerisque massa.
Access to Days 1 and 2 of the conference, including the Keynote Session by Bishop Barron
Access to only Day 2 of the conference
One of the top reasons people leave the Church is the false notion that faith and science are at odds. It’s time to put that myth to rest once and for all. Learn how faith and science not only do not conflict with each other but, in fact, are mutually complementary and illuminating.
What does it mean to be a good person and to treat others justly? Secular culture fails to provide an adequate answer to these questions–with disastrous consequences for social stability and individual happiness. Learn how the Church not only cares about justice, including social justice, and good character, but also provides a better moral and political alternative to the reigning ideologies of our day.
Popular culture is important to the Church precisely because it’s where the people are, especially the young. Learn how to identify and make good use of the “seeds of the Word” in entertainment, politics, and even stand-up comedy to evangelize the culture.
There is no greater evangelical power in the world than the saints, those who embody the Good News in their very lives–and all of us are called to become saints. Learn how to deepen your prayer life and conform yourself, by the grace of God, ever more perfectly to Christ's will.
The Standard Pass includes access to Days 1 and 2 of the conference, the keynote session by Bishop Barron, and the Jubilee Expo Hall.
The Day Pass includes access to Day 2 of the conference and the Jubilee Expo Hall.
No. Accommodations are not included with this ticket, and there are no hotel room blocks reserved. Please make your own arrangements for lodging.
No, there will not be a livestream of this conference. However, the sessions will be recorded and available on the Word on Fire Institute after the event.
If you require a wheelchair access seat or other accessibility requirements, please email for assistance.
No, translations will not be available.
This conference is designed for those aged 18 plus; if there are under 18s who want to attend, they need their parents’ permission at checkout. There will be no activities designed for small children so please bear this in mind when booking tickets.
Please see this document to review the terms and conditions.
A full refund of a ticket can be issued up to 31 December 2024. Cancellations from 1 January 2025 onwards will not be eligible for a refund.
Tickets are transferable. If you would like to transfer your ticket, please email for assistance.
Please contact us at with any questions.